“抗压能力”的英文表达是 "stress tolerance"。这个词的来源可以追溯到拉丁文的 "tolerare",意思是 "容忍" 或 "忍受"。因此,"stress tolerance" 指的是一个人对压力的耐受能力。

下面是一些例句,其中包含 "stress tolerance" 的英文表达:

He has a high stress tolerance and can handle difficult situations calmly. (他有很强的抗压能力,能够冷静地应对困难情况。)

Employees with high stress tolerance are more likely to succeed in high-pressure environments. (具有较强抗压能力的员工更有可能在高压环境中取得成功。)

Some people are naturally more resistant to stress, while others may need to develop their stress tolerance over time. (一些人天生更能抗压,而其他人可能需要随着时间的推移培养自己的抗压能力。)

Stress management techniques, such as meditation or exercise, can help improve stress tolerance. (压力管理技巧,如冥想或锻炼,可以帮助提高抗压能力。)

最佳回答 2023-05-02