"How sacred is the temple" can be translated as "多么神圣的寺庙" in English.

The word "sacred" means worthy of religious veneration or regarded with deep respect, and is often used to describe places of worship such as temples and churches. The word comes from the Latin "sacratus," which means consecrated or set apart for a religious purpose.

Here are some examples of sentences using the phrase "sacred temple" in English, along with their translations in Chinese:

"The sacred temple is a place of peace and contemplation." (这座神圣的寺庙是一个和平与冥想的地方。)
"People from all over the world come to visit the sacred temple." (世界各地的人们都来参观这座神圣的寺庙。)
"The sacred temple is considered a holy site by many believers." (许多信徒都认为这座神圣的寺庙是一个神圣的地方。)

最佳回答 2023-04-30