"Boat and cart, toil and moil" is a phrase in English that describes a difficult or tedious situation or process, similar to the Chinese phrase "舟车劳顿" which literally means "struggling by boat and cart." This phrase likely originated from the time when transportation was primarily done by boat and cart, which were slower and more labor-intensive means of travel compared to modern modes of transportation.

Here are some examples of how this phrase can be used in English sentences:

"I've been working on this project for weeks, it feels like boat and cart, toil and moil." (我已经在做这个项目几个星期了,感觉像是舟车劳顿。)
"The hike up the mountain was a real boat and cart, toil and moil. My legs were sore for days after." (爬山真的是舟车劳顿。我的腿痛了好几天。)
"Trying to get a hold of customer service on the phone is always such a boat and cart, toil and moil." (打电话给客服总是那么舟车劳顿。)

最佳回答 2023-04-29