"Keep clean" is the English phrase that means "保持干净" in Chinese.

This phrase is commonly used to remind people to maintain cleanliness in their surroundings and to take care of their personal hygiene. For example, you might see a sign that says "Keep the bathroom clean" in a public restroom, or someone might remind their children to "keep their room clean" by putting away their toys and clothes.

Here are a few examples of sentences using the phrase "keep clean":

"Please remember to keep the kitchen counter clean after cooking." (请记得在烹饪后清理厨房操作台。)
"I always try to keep my hands clean before eating." (我总是尽量在吃饭前把手洗干净。)
"We should all do our part to keep the environment clean." (我们都应该尽力保护环境保持干净。)

The phrase "keep clean" is a simple and straightforward way to express the idea of maintaining cleanliness in English. It is commonly used in everyday speech and in written instructions and reminders.

最佳回答 2023-03-24