"Snow depth" is the term used in English to describe the height of snow on the ground. The term is often used in weather forecasts and reports to describe the amount of snow that has accumulated in a particular area.

The term "snow depth" comes from the measurement of the depth of snow on the ground, which is typically done by using a ruler or tape measure to measure the distance from the surface of the ground to the top of the snow. This measurement is usually taken in inches or centimeters, depending on the measurement system being used.

Here are some example sentences using the term "snow depth," along with their translations in Chinese:

"The snow depth in the mountain pass reached two feet yesterday." (昨天,山间通道的雪高达两英尺。)
"The snow depth in our neighborhood has exceeded six inches, so we're expecting a snow day tomorrow." (我们社区的雪高已超过六英寸,所以我们预计明天会有一个下雪的日子。)
"According to the weather report, the snow depth in the city is expected to reach a record high this winter." (根据天气预报,这个冬天这座城市的雪高预计会创下记录。)

最佳回答 2023-03-24