在英语中,"问"是表示询问或者提出问题的动词,可以用 "ask" 来表示。"回答"是指回复或者给出答案的动词,可以用 "answer" 来表示。

下面是一些关于 "ask" 和 "answer" 的例句:

Can you ask him a question for me? 你能帮我问他一个问题吗?
She asked me where the nearest post office was. 她问我最近的邮局在哪里。
I asked him if he wanted to come with me, but he didn't answer. 我问他是否愿意和我一起去,但他没有回答。
He asked a lot of questions during the interview. 他在面试中问了很多问题。
She answered the phone on the third ring. 她在第三声电话铃声后接了电话。
Can you answer my question now? 你现在能回答我的问题吗?

"Ask" 和 "answer" 都是英语中常用的动词,来自古英语。"Ask" 来自古英语 "ascian",意思是询问或者要求。"Answer" 来自古英语 "andswarian",意思是回答或者作为反应。

最佳回答 2023-03-23