分期买房用英语可以翻译为 "buy a house in installments" 或者 "pay for a house in installments". 这个短语的来源可能是来自于购买房屋时,选择分期付款的方式来解决现金短缺的问题。


I can't afford to pay for the entire house upfront, so I'm thinking of buying it in installments. (我现在没有足够的现金一次性付清房屋的价格,所以我正在考虑分期买房。)

Many people choose to buy a house in installments because it helps them manage their finances better. (许多人选择分期买房,因为这有助于他们更好地管理财务。)

I've been saving up for a down payment on a house, but I still need to find a way to pay for the rest of it in installments. (我一直在为买房的首付存钱,但我仍然需要找到一种方法分期付款。)

Many banks and mortgage companies offer financing options for people who want to buy a house in installments. (许多银行和抵押贷款公司为希望分期买房的人提供融资选项。)

最佳回答 2023-03-18