"顿悟"的人通常用英文表示为 "enlightened" 或 "awakened"。

"Enlightened" 来源于拉丁语 "enlighten",意思是使某人更加明白或开悟。例如:

After years of studying and practicing meditation, he finally had an enlightenment experience and saw the world in a completely different way.
The teacher's words were like a light that shone on the path to enlightenment.

"Awakened" 来源于中古英语 "awaken",意思是使某人清醒或开悟。例如:

She had a sudden awakening and realized that she had been living her life in the wrong way.
The awakened mind is able to see the truth and live in harmony with the world.

综上所述,"顿悟"的人可以用英文表示为 "enlightened" 或 "awakened",这两个词都指有所觉醒或开悟的人。

最佳回答 2023-03-18