区位条件 (quwei tiaojian) is a Chinese term that refers to the geographical location and surrounding conditions of a place, including its accessibility, transportation, natural resources, climate, and other factors that can affect its economic development and attractiveness. The concept of quwei tiaojian was first introduced by the German economist Walter Christaller in the early 20th century, who developed the central place theory to explain the spatial distribution of economic activities in a region.

In English, "location conditions" or "location factors" are often used to refer to quwei tiaojian. Here are some examples of sentences using these phrases:

"The location conditions of the city, including its proximity to major transportation hubs and access to a skilled workforce, have made it an attractive location for businesses."
"The location factors of the region, such as its abundant natural resources and favorable climate, have contributed to its economic growth."
"The company considered a number of location conditions, including tax incentives and access to key markets, when deciding where to locate its new manufacturing plant."

最佳回答 2023-03-09