
Excited: 这是最常用的表达,意思是兴奋、激动。例句:
I'm excited to go on vacation next week.(我很兴奋下周去度假。)
She was excited to see her favorite band in concert.(她很兴奋能看到她最喜欢的乐队演唱会。)
Thrilled: 这个词的意思也是兴奋、激动,常用来表示对某件事物的强烈喜爱或满足感。例句:
I'm thrilled to have won the lottery.(我很高兴赢了彩票。)
She was thrilled to receive a scholarship to study abroad.(她很高兴获得了出国留学的奖学金。)
Delighted: 这个词的意思是高兴、欣喜,常用来表示对某件事的满意或喜悦。例句:
I'm delighted to see you again.(我很高兴再次见到你。)
She was delighted to hear that she had been accepted to her dream college.(她很高兴听到自己被梦想的大学录取了。)
Overjoyed: 这个词的意思是极度高兴、欣喜,常用来表示对某件事的强烈喜悦。例句:
I'm overjoyed to hear that you're getting married.(我很高兴听到你要结婚。)
She was overjoyed to find out that she had passed the exam.(她很高兴发现自己通过了考试。)

总结一下,"excited"、"thrilled"、"delighted"、"overjoyed" 这些词都可以用

最佳回答 2023-03-08