"欢迎" (huān yíng) can be translated as "welcome" in English.

The word "welcome" comes from the Old English "wilcume," which means "pleasing, agreeable, or gladly received." It ultimately derives from the Proto-Germanic root "wilukaz," which means "desired."

Here are some example sentences using the word "welcome" in English, along with their translations in Chinese:

"Welcome to our company. We are glad to have you join us." (欢迎加入我们的公司。我们很高兴能有你的加入。)
"Welcome to my home. Make yourself comfortable." (欢迎来到我的家。请感觉舒适。)
"Welcome to our team. We are excited to work with you." (欢迎加入我们的团队。我们很高兴能和你一起工作。)

最佳回答 2023-03-05