"Analgesic" is the English word used to describe a medication or other substance that is used to relieve pain. The word comes from the Greek "an-" meaning "without" and "algos" meaning "pain."

Here are a few examples of how "analgesic" is used in English sentences:

"Aspirin is a common over-the-counter analgesic." (阿司匹林是一种常见的非处方止痛药。)
"The patient was given an intravenous injection of a strong analgesic for the surgery." (患者在手术中注射了一种强效的镇痛药。)
"The researchers are studying the effects of different types of analgesics on chronic pain." (研究人员正在研究不同类型的止痛药对慢性疼痛的影响。)

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