"Basic meaning" in English can be referred to as "the fundamental or inherent meaning of a word or phrase, as opposed to any additional connotations or implications it may have." The term "basic meaning" is not commonly used in the English language, but it is used in the field of lexicography and semantics to refer to the core or primary meaning of a word or phrase.

The origin of the term "basic meaning" is not clear, it is likely that it developed from linguistic and semantic studies of language and its meanings.

Examples in English:

The basic meaning of the word "dog" is a domesticated mammal that is closely related to wolves.

The basic meaning of the phrase "to kick the bucket" is to die.

The basic meaning of the word "book" is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

Their Chinese translation:

"dog" 的基本意思是一种家养哺乳动物,与狼关系密切。

"to kick the bucket" 的基本意思是死亡。

"book" 的基本意思是由页粘在一起并装订在封面里的书。

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