My Most Favourite Programme
There are a lot of TV programmes I like but the one I like best is World Report broadcast by CCTV at ten evely night. This programme aims at keeping viewers informed about the international situation. It introduces the important events which happen recently all around the world, such as international conferences or bilateral talks, new scientific discoveries or inventions, armed conflicts, financial crlses; serious accident such as ship wrecks, air-crashes and train derailings; natural disasters such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, avalanche, hurricane, flood, There are several factors which may account for my preference of this programme. First, the informatlon is not only new but just and objective. The news is all collected by the Chinese correspondents working all over the world and so they are reported from the perspective of our country. Besides, the news announcers' broadcasting quality as well as their facial expressions is excellent. Finally, the video quality of this programme is also wonderful. From the examples mentioned above,lt can be easily understood why I like World Report.
内容:我最喜爱的Programme1。我最喜爱的电视(或无线电)节目是... ... 2。这类节目的内容和特点3。我喜欢它的原因有很多我喜欢的电视节目,但很多我喜欢的一最好是由中央电视台播出的世界报告10 evely夜晚。该方案旨在观众对国际形势的了解,公事公办。它介绍了最近发生的世界各地,如国际会议或双边会谈,重要事件,新的科学发现或发明,武装冲突,财政crlses;严重事故,如船舶残骸,空气崩溃和列车derailings;自然灾害,如地震,火山爆发,雪崩,飓风,洪水,有几个因素可以说明我的这个方案的偏好。首先,informatlon不仅是新的,但客观公正的。这个消息是所有收集到世界各地工作的中国记者,所以他们是从我国的角度报道。此外,新闻播音员'广播的质量以及他们的面部表情是非常好的。最后,该方案的视频质量也很好。从上述例子上尉可以很容易理解为什么我喜欢的世界报告。