We are educated to be honest since we are small, there is no doubt that honesty occupies great importance in communication, but the fact is that still, some people are dishonest. Fake products are the best example, people have access to fake products all the time. We need to build a trust relationship.
All the long-term cooperation of business is built on the basis of honesty. If the producers give the fake products or give the wrong amount, then the companies won’t want to have any cooperation again. The big companies pay special attention to honesty, they are willing to cooperate with honesty producers.
Being dishonest will make people make no friends. No one is willing to make friends with dishonest guys, because the meaning of friends is to share happiness and sorrows. If the person wears the mask all the time, people will get tired of him and are unwilling to talk to him.
Honesty is very important, we should behave ourselves and open our minds.