Few Americans study stay put for a lifetime. They move from town to city or to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where they raise their children to the home where they plan to live after retirement. With each move they are forever making new friends, who become part of their new life at that time.
相差植物与动物之间很少有美国人研究按兵不动一生。他们摆脱城市或城镇的郊区,从高中到大学,在不同的状态,从工作在一个地区 ,以更好的工作在其他地方主场,他们养育子女的家中,他们计划在退休后。每一次行动,他们永远是结交新朋友,谁成为当时他们的新生活 的一部分。文章的开头指出了美国人很少固定生活在一个地方过一辈子,然后下文再围绕这一主题展开细节及论证。
