我发现了什么 What I Have Found There is an strange old man who lives near my house. He doesn’t talk much and likes to hang around in the living zone. 小学英语作文 感恩 好奇 钥匙 2018-04-28 2038 阅读
失物招领(包)Lost and Found(handbag) This afternoon, I found a handbag in the playground. 初中英语作文 笔记本 playground 联系 2013-02-26 7223 阅读
兴趣是最好的老师“Interest Is the Best Teacher Interest is the key to success. A person who is interested in something will devote himself to it. Meanwhile, a big miracle will be made. 高中英语作文 英语 teacher 老师 2012-07-22 14504 阅读