期中考试有必要吗?Does Mid-term Exam Necessary? 为了检查学生的学习进程,学校会在一定的时间里考试,一些学生需要每个月参加考试,对于每个学校来说,最普遍的就是期中考试。一些人认为这么多的考试对学生来说有点残忍,仍然在我看来,期中考试是必要的。 高中英语作文 考试 期中考试 关于考试的作文 2021-10-21 4541 阅读
教师的评语 Teachers’ Remarks In my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. 初中英语作文 寒假 春节 优秀 2014-03-04 5506 阅读
周记 Weekly Dairy I am busy this week, because I will take the midterm exam next week. So I am busy with my study. 小学英语作文 考试 计划 复习 2012-10-20 6114 阅读
失败并不可怕 Failure Is Not Terrible Only confidence and hardwork can pull me out from failure. If I want to be good as before, I have to let this failure go and restart again. 初中英语作文 成功 学习 失败 2012-07-22 15074 阅读