我心中的年味 The taste of the New Year in my heart 每逢岁末,年的味道便愈发浓烈起来。对我而言,年味不仅是满街的红灯笼、喜气洋洋的春联,更是家中忙碌的身影、四溢的香气和那份难得的团圆与温馨。 英语美文 大学英语作文 年味 双语阅读 2024-02-18 104 阅读
年味 New Year Mood When the new year is coming, everybody is so excited. The families get together and have fun. For me, as I was a little kid, Spring Festival was my biggest day. 高中英语作文 春节 欲望 有趣 2017-10-24 3781 阅读