一篇关于偷酒喝的日记 A Diary About the Stealing This week I made a bad thing, it was that I acted as a thief. The things happened in this way: I am always curious about the taste of wine, but my parents won’t allow since I haven't grown up ye 初中英语作文 日记 喝酒 好奇 2022-11-11 1428 阅读
从好男孩到坏男孩From a Good Boy To a Bad Boy If people pay attention to the American music, there is a name they can’t ignore—Justin Bieber, the hot young star in the world. 高中英语作文 喝酒 drink good boy 2014-11-19 4607 阅读
中国人的社交 Chinese Social Communication When you ask a foreign what’s his impression about Chinese, he will say Chinese people are friendly and kind. 高中英语作文 喝酒 business friendly 2014-05-13 7552 阅读
酒后驾车的危害 The Danger of Driving After Drinking Though we are told that alcohol is dangerous, especially driving a car after drinking alcohol. 高中英语作文 危害 life 生命 2014-04-25 7112 阅读
喝酒 Drinking Now, many people like drinking. They think it’s cool, but I don’t agree with them. 小学英语作文 health 危险 事故 2012-10-10 8124 阅读
关于醉酒驾车与安全意识社会责任Drunken Driving 醉酒驾车与安全意识、社会责任 醉酒驾车与安全意识、社会责任 思路点拨 图画中一个已经喝得烂醉如泥的司机,车顶上还驮着一瓶巨大的啤酒,汽车却依然在路上飞驰。虽然这幅图有点夸张,但是它却反映了一个触目惊心的安全问题:醉酒驾车。写作时可以按照以下的8 大学英语作文 life 安全 生命 2011-09-11 10740 阅读