这个词汇的来源可能来自于商业环境中的概念,即公司通常会将生产过程外包给其他公司,以节省成本和提高效率。这种做法也称作"外包制造"(outsourcing manufacturing)或"代工生产"(contract manufacturing)。
Example 1:
English: Our company specializes in contract manufacturing for major brands.
Chinese: 我们公司专门为大品牌进行代工生产。
Example 2:
English: We decided to outsource manufacturing to a third-party company to save costs and improve efficiency.
Chinese: 我们决定将生产外包给第三方公司,以节省成本和提高效率。
Example 3:
English: Many companies choose contract manufacturing to reduce their production costs and focus on their core competencies.
Chinese: 许多公司选择代工生产,以降低生产成本并专注于自己的核心竞争力。

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