锋利的近义词英语可以用 sharp 来表示。

Sharp 是一个形容词,源自古英语 scearp,意思是锋利的,尖锐的。


The knife was very sharp and cut through the tomato easily. (这把刀非常锋利,轻松切开了番茄。)
She has a sharp mind and is able to solve complex problems quickly. (她有着敏锐的头脑,能快速解决复杂的问题。)
His comments were sharp and to the point. (他的评论很尖锐,简洁明了。)

Sharp 还可以作为名词,表示尖锐的物体或者器具,例如:

She picked up a sharp rock and used it to cut the rope. (她捡起一块尖锐的石头,用它切断了绳子。)
He was careful not to touch the sharp edges of the broken glass. (他小心翼翼,不敢触碰断裂的玻璃的锋利边缘。)

Sharp 还有其他含义,例如:

The music was sharp and clear. (音乐清脆明了。)
He has a sharp sense of humor and always makes everyone laugh. (他有着敏锐的幽默感,总是能让所有人发笑。)

最佳回答 2023-03-30